Coach Gethin Rhys James

Wednesday 30 December 2015

Setting New Years Resolutions

Now it's that time of year again. Social media will be flooded with posts such as "new year new me," or "time to stop smoking." I hate to sound so negative but there will be a lot of failures coming to surface within the next 6 weeks. Don't be one of them. I have put together a few tips to help you stick to your New Years resolution and make a positive change in your life. 

Tell Everyone

Tell your mother, your father, your siblings, your friends......your dog! Tell everyone. Tell them what your goals are, when you wish to achieve this goal and how you intend to do it. This will make you accountable if you start to fall short on your task. It's a fantastic motivator. 

Keep Track

Make sure that your goal is measurable. This simply mean numbers. If you're improving your body composition you should keep an eye on your waist circumference. If you're smoking you should know how many you've cut down by as the weeks go on. 

Chart It

this follows on from the previous goal. Keeping a paper track of your goals will provide you with a visual track, provide your goal with a physical entity and will in return increase your motivation. It's even more motivating when you can visually show people how far you've come. 

Make A Deadline

The aim of a New Years resolution is to achieve a specific goal by the end of that year. December the 31st is a stretch. By that point you may be able to achieve multiple goals or you may be enjoying the benefits of the goal you achieved several months ago. Provide a deadline. If you wish to run a marathon in 2016 then make the marathon date your deadline date. If you want to lose 5kg in weight you should give yourself 12 weeks to manage it. 

Expect To Fall Short Now And Then

You never fail until you quit. Sometimes your weight loss diet may fall short because you were tempted by a muffin. You could pick up an injury which halts your marathon training for a week. Don't be disheartened and cut yourself some slack. You're human. However you must get back on the horse as soon as the opportunity arises. 

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