Coach Gethin Rhys James

Sunday 20 December 2015

Considerations Whilst Planning an Athletic Cardiovascular Routine

Cardiovascular endurance is the cardio and respiratory systems ability to preserver through intense and continuous efforts. It is an essential component in an athletes training programme. Constructing a programme properly is essential. I take 2 considerations in developing the programme.

Consideration 1: The Physiological Aspects of the Sport

It is obvious that too much endurance work will be detrimental to an athletes explosive capabilities. Always remember that fast twitch muscle fibres may oxidise and develop slow twitch properties. This is an issue that can't be reversed. The endurance properties of a programme may be more appropriate in round format. For example; 5 sets of 3 minute rounds of squat jumps and push ups. 
For the explosive aspects I always enjoy high intensity interval training with an active recovery.

Consideration 2: The Sporting Season

At this point of the year it is vital that the type of exercise is heavily observed. 
During off season, sprinting is ideal. Sprinting will help to dynamically improve hip flexes flexibility and summon explosive power. Sprinting is a gross motor skill and therefor allows maximum muscle fibres to be used during exercise. Sprinting also provides specificity to sporting activity without performing the sport itself. 
Sprinting is however not suitable during the competitive season. If running is heavily present in a specific sport (for example; football, soccer, rugby, basketball) then placing it into the cardiovascular regime may very well result in repetitive stress injuries. Cycling will be more appropriate.  

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