Coach Gethin Rhys James

Monday 14 December 2015

Build Beastly Back Muscles

Men often neglect their back. No one ever misses chest day and pumping the arms is a Friday afternoon tradition for many men. The back is left behind (pun intended) which is unfortunate because a strong back builds a dominant looking posture and a mighty v-tapir. Plus repping out multiple pull ups is a kick ass party trick. Check out Keep Ups guide to developing shirt ripping back muscles.

#1. Dead Lifts are Crucial

I get wowed all the time by poorly constructed back routines which don't feature the this power lifting favourite. The Dead Lift is perfect for neuromuscular loading which simply suggests that it progresses our central nervous system to deal with heavy poundage. The dead lift is the bees knees in lower back strengthening and requires a phenomenal isometric contraction in the Lats and Traps. Don't miss out!

#2. Pull Ups Trumps Pull Downs

The Lat. Pull Down is a bodybuilding classic but they are not a scratch on the military favourite. Pull Ups are the bomb in frontal plane back exercises. Pull ups require better shoulder stabilisation, better scapular positioning and wicked posture. You can get away with any one of these no no's during Pull Downs (with a high injury risk) but if one of these clumsy faults are present in a Pull Up then you may never go past rep 5. Think of your form first and your intensity later.

#3. Be King of the Row

Bent Over Rows are used for Latismas Dorsi development. That's the large stretch of muscle on the middle of your back which enhances that triangle shaped torso. Performing a row variation with a barbell is not the best. The standard Bent Over Row will place more tension on the lower back and may also result in uneven tension on each side of your body. Try a Single Arm Row instead. Single Arm Rows will see you to a more balanced workout between your left arm and your right arm. This classic will not stress the lower back when done correctly.

#4. Pull High

The Lats often get all the love. Pull Ups, Pull Downs and any rowing variation will build the thickness of your Lats but how about those Traps and Rhomboids? The Face Pull is an ideal exercise to build well functioning scapular movement and to retract those shoulders for an alpha male posture. Face Pulls also dominate the lower part of your Traps into hypertrophy overload! 

#5. Mix Up the Shrug

Don't settle for a scrawny neck. Mix up the Shrug with a variety of different kit. Trap Bars are superb as they place your hands out wide. This creates an inward motion of shrugging to increase the range of motion on this drill. Over Head Shrug with a barbell will stabilise the shoulders and work the vary upper part of your Trapizius muscles. The Over Head Shrug is essential. You don't need it in every routine you do but place it in every couple of weeks because it is important for shoulder safety. 

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