Coach Gethin Rhys James

Friday 8 January 2016

4 Fitness Trends We Will See In 2016

2015 was a step up in the fitness industry. Truth be told things have been looking up since 2010. Minimalist shoes have proven that athletes are learning the benefit of utilising ground reaction force. More and more shoe specialist stores are offering footwear with a custom fit and phone apps are helping people track their efforts with ease. So what has 2016 got in store for us?

More people will hire a personal trainer

Literally thousands of personal trainers are certified every year. Although I disagree with the simplicity of the modern personal trainer certificate, I still believe that it's not the worse thing in the world. I would just ask that all personal trainers continue to educate themselves past their graduation. As a result of more personal trainers being put through the courses, the prices are cheaper than ever to hire a coach.

Crawling will become the norm 

Crawling patterns are the foundation of human movement. It's in our heritage and it's a skill we learn all by ourselves. Once the need to crawl deteriorates, the average person no longer practices crawling. This is a mistake. 
Crawling demonstrates that squat mechanics are achievable and are doable with a neutral spine alignment. 
Crawling also develops core-stability and activates the serratus. Activating the 
Fortunately many coaches are heavily re-enforcing crawling patterns for sports performance and corrective practices. 

Men will be back in tights

This isn't the prettiest image we can put in our noggin but we might as well face the facts. Tight sports wear are often more comfortable due to no baggy clothing interfering with our range of movement. According to leading sports manufacturers the base layer style of clothing allows for distributed muscle tension to reduce injury risk and promote blood flow. Tight fitted clothing was popular in the 90s. It's crazy how things find their way back! 

More women in combat

Recently I've observed a change in the way women see mixed martial arts. I assume Ronda Rousey has some involvement as she was heavily featured last year as one of the most exciting competitors to watch. I personally believe that the latest look on UFC is a positive one and will promote better self defence skills and confidence in women globally. 

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