Coach Gethin Rhys James

Monday 14 September 2015

The Best Breakfast for your Body

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Some may say that cardiovascular exercise should be completed before you stuff your face in the morning but I disagree. I don't see why anyone would want to run with low energy levels and brake down their hard earned muscle tone so that the amino acids from around your body can be metabolised into much needed energy. So even a light snack such as a banana, fruits loaf or a well blended smoothie should be taken before hitting the road. In an ideal world where time isn't an issue, here's what I would suggest:

Blue Berries are my favourite way to start. Their sugary content will spike your insulin level. This is not a desired trait in any food through the rest of the day but for first thing in the morning it's ideal. Your body will work to metabolise the sugars and will avoid braking into the amino acids that builds the structure of your skeletal muscle fibres. They also contain vitamin c which combats cortisol stress hormone. Blueberries will help change your body composition for the better!

Protein is a macro-nutrient that should be present in every meal in a high quantity. It is responsible for growth and repair. An additional benefit for consuming a high protein diet is situated around how full your stomach feels after digestion. This is ideal for weight loss. Meat and eggs have been proven to be particularly useful in keeping your stomach full.

Complex carbohydrates provide long lasting energy throughout the morning. They are broken down into glycogen and therefore offer the main source of energy for anaerobic respiration and brain function. Try oats, heavily seeded bread or beans for your fix.

Here's a breakfast suggestion:

Healthy Pancakes

Blend 2 bananas, 2 eggs, 1/2 a cup of rolled oats, 1/2 of cup of baking soda and a pinch of salt until you have a fine batter.

Heat oil in a frying pan. Place spoonfuls of the batter into the pan and cook until golden brown.

Enjoy with a side of blueberries. You may even wish to add the blueberries to the batter before frying. That way you will have blueberry pancakes!

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