Coach Gethin Rhys James

Saturday 19 September 2015

20 Ways to Boost your Metabolism

When it comes to weight loss the rule is simple. Work harder and eat a little less. It's just about getting an negative calories in to calories out ratio. However there are additional methods to boost your metabolism. Your metabolism is your core body temperature and by using these 20 simple tips you can ignite your calorie burning furnace.

Train regular. You'd  be better off training twice in one day with smaller session times than you would if you trained one for a longer session time.
Practice intervals. Get sprinting, take short rest times and feel the burn!
Lift weights. Don't go easy on yourself. Make sure you feel the challenge. If you really want to kick that metabolic rate up a notch you should practice plenty of ground based leg exercises such as squats and dead lifts.
Raise your heart rate. If you find that it's easy to regain your breath after a HIIT session you didn't work hard enough. Try again!
Get plenty of sleep. At least 8 hours for every 24 hours is required.
Eat regular meals. Chomp away at anywhere between 5 to 7 meals per day. Best get batch cooking!
Control your portions. If you don't eat enough calories your metabolism will slow down. Everything in moderation.
Eat iron rich food. Dark greens and red meat have been proven to be the best. You shouldn't eat red meat more than 3 times per week. After all it's fatty, hard to digest and has been linked to heart disease and cancer.
Take plenty of B12. Eggs are a fantastic source.
Get some sun for vitamin D. Bad weather? Take a vitamin D3 tablet every morning with breakfast.
Get plenty of calcium. Dairy is the obvious choice. Your bones won't grow without it and so won't your muscle tissue.
Get plenty of omega 3 fatty acids. If you don't like fish then you should consider taking a cod oil capsule.
Lower trams fats. These are found in all the foods you crave as they are addictive!
Drink plenty of water. Don't expect your body to function properly without it!
Eat protein with every meal. Protein should make up at least a quarter of your plate.
Eat organic. Go to the market for your fruit and vegetables or by frozen. Frozen fruits and vegetables are often high in micronutrients too.
Eat high fibre. If your carbohydrates are doughy and easy to mould then you're eating the wrong type.
Don't skip breakfast! It annoys me when people do this. Breakfast shoots your metabolism off to a good start and provides recovery from the night before as well as energy for the day ahead.
Drink hot beverages. Green teas are the best. Try to skip adding sugar.
Use spice on your food. Experiment with healthy Indian and Chinese recipes.
Skip alcohol. If alcohol was only recently introduced to the United Kingdom it would be a Class A drug.

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