Coach Gethin Rhys James

Wednesday 10 February 2016

Neck Strength and Preventing Concussions

First of all, sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've been busy setting up 2 running coaching bases and working on my new website. I'd like to start back up with a post on strengthening the muscles surrounding the cervical vertebra. I'm no chiropractor or have any involvement in the medical profession for that matter. What I do know is that strengthening the neck is becoming much more common due to its impact on limiting concussions in contact sports. 

Here are some ideas I've been playing with. First of all I am very aware that excessive spinal flexion has been associated with a denaturing of spinal discs. Any injury to the neck may drastically lower the body's capability in performing simple tasks, let alone sports skills. 

This raises the question, should any dynamic movement be used at all? After all, it's difficult to move the neck without extension. 

Yesterday a good friend of mine was teaching me how to head stand. It is important to hold the neck long and strong to prevent movement. This isometric tension could be the key to preventing concussions. 

This is just a thought and I will be posting about the further research I do on the area.  

Saturday 16 January 2016

The Snow Warrior Workout

The gym is out of reach. It's a training nightmare or is it? The road is not safe to drive on, the gym is miles away or may even be closed due to a low number of staff. But you may use the snow to your advantage. 

Safety First! 

Wrap up warm and ensure you're wearing footwear that is suitable for the snow. You can place socks over trainers to avoid slipping. It is also advisable to use waterproof trousers as you're going to be playing in some deep snow. 

The Best Type of Training

Well lifting heavy weights is a no go with the slipping hazard. Also snow isn't that heavy. Smash out the HIIT. 

The snow is perfect for this function. Whilst in deep snow you can sprint, jump and hop to exhaustion. You can dig. You can dig whilst throwing the snow in front of you, you can dig whilst throwing it behind you or maybe to the side for a rotational benefit. Dig with two hands or dig with one. The faster the better. 

Top 10 Snow Day Exercises 

Single leg hop
Sprint on the spot
Star jumps
Squat jumps
Tuck jumps
Double heal flick
Ski hops 
Dig with a throw behind (like a dog burying a bone) 

Example circuit

Squat jumps 30 seconds
15 second rest 
Star jumps 40 seconds
15 second rest
Tuck jumps 50 seconds
1 minute rest 
                                  Repeat this 3 times

Thursday 14 January 2016

Accessories for Strength Training

If you visit your local gymnasium, you quite often find a member or two who have gone about brining in their own equipment to help them along with their fitness goals. You can pick up some very helpful kit for a very cheap price. Here are my top picks.

Fat Gripz

Grip is often an underestimated pinnacle in strength development. With poor grip we will be unable to excel in our training programmes. Fat Gripz are a product which can be used with any barbell exercise. These simple pieces of foam will fit perfectly around the bar and create a challenge for the muscles of your wrist and hands.

Gum Shield

A gum shield is a simple and useful piece of protective equipment. Especially during exercises where the shoulders are heavily loaded. By biting down on a gum shield a lifter will encourage the muscles of the neck to tense and stabilise.

Dipping Belt

A dipping belt is simply a means of progression on body weight favourites. Whilst one route is to take the repetition range of your dips into the 20’s, a more popular and more strength orientated modification is to attach weight to a dipping belt. This piece of kit may also be used for pull ups.  


Lifting is hard work. This means you sweat. Sweat can lead to a slippery barbell. This inconvenience during a workout is usually easy to avoid by the simple application of chalk. Chalk will absorb the moisture and allow you to apply your usual grip.

Foam Roller

Myofacia release should go hand in hand with stretching. Practicing self massage on a foam roller will improve circulation, release toxins which are present within the muscle cells and allow you to increase the range of your stretch. Take up to a minute on any tight muscle.

Monday 11 January 2016

Why I Don't Use Agility Ladders

Agility is the ability to change shape, speed or direction quickly. An athlete's agility is determined by genetic potential, strength, bio-mechanical application of movement and external factors.

With this in mind, where does foot speed come into sight. Foot speed drills are exercises which involve small, light and rapid action of the feet. These are the drills which are featured in agility ladder training. Honestly, fast foot drills are an absolute waste of time.

Although speed is specific to any sport involving gross motor, competitive activity, the practice of speed should have a degree of specificity. Small and light actions are not the way to go. 

Small? Do we take small steps in acceleration? How about sprinting at top end speed, cutting angles or lateral movements? No we don't. We use gross motor movements. Movements that challenge our reach and the speed at which we can achieve such a reach is essential for practical usage. 

Hitting the floor lightly is a poor way of producing ground reaction force. With low ground reaction force the distance covered on the field of play will be very limited. 

So working on fast feet isn't necessary. There are bigger fish to fry! 

And what is the point of practicing foot placement within small squares? It may help you to skip stones but not much else. If foot placement is important within an activity, then it is best practices within that activity. That way you will benefit from the reactive demands of participating. Your skill will also become more specific in regards to your distancing and timing. 

The agility ladder may be useful as a fun warm up activity but I wouldn't bother. 

Sunday 10 January 2016

Sprinting for Endurance Athletes

There are similarities between a sprinters gait and a marathon runners gait. Sometimes the endurance athlete would add a slight pronation on their stride co create a smoother impact against the hard concrete surface. A sprinters gait is much more gross motor for very obvious reasons. I feel that during a short period of cross training, an endurance athlete can very well benefit from sprint training.

The principle of overload suggests that by achieving a fitness level which exceeds the desired task, the task in fact becomes more achievable. In this scenario, the increased stride will produce flexibility to create ease and prevent injury whilst running. The large movement will see us to more muscular activity and help us to improve lactate tolerance. 

Practice sprint intervals of 30 metres. 30 metres is a good distance to produce top end speed. Walk back to the beginning. Repeat this until you've completed 8 sprints. Then take a 2 minute rest and repeat the drill. 

Friday 8 January 2016

4 Fitness Trends We Will See In 2016

2015 was a step up in the fitness industry. Truth be told things have been looking up since 2010. Minimalist shoes have proven that athletes are learning the benefit of utilising ground reaction force. More and more shoe specialist stores are offering footwear with a custom fit and phone apps are helping people track their efforts with ease. So what has 2016 got in store for us?

More people will hire a personal trainer

Literally thousands of personal trainers are certified every year. Although I disagree with the simplicity of the modern personal trainer certificate, I still believe that it's not the worse thing in the world. I would just ask that all personal trainers continue to educate themselves past their graduation. As a result of more personal trainers being put through the courses, the prices are cheaper than ever to hire a coach.

Crawling will become the norm 

Crawling patterns are the foundation of human movement. It's in our heritage and it's a skill we learn all by ourselves. Once the need to crawl deteriorates, the average person no longer practices crawling. This is a mistake. 
Crawling demonstrates that squat mechanics are achievable and are doable with a neutral spine alignment. 
Crawling also develops core-stability and activates the serratus. Activating the 
Fortunately many coaches are heavily re-enforcing crawling patterns for sports performance and corrective practices. 

Men will be back in tights

This isn't the prettiest image we can put in our noggin but we might as well face the facts. Tight sports wear are often more comfortable due to no baggy clothing interfering with our range of movement. According to leading sports manufacturers the base layer style of clothing allows for distributed muscle tension to reduce injury risk and promote blood flow. Tight fitted clothing was popular in the 90s. It's crazy how things find their way back! 

More women in combat

Recently I've observed a change in the way women see mixed martial arts. I assume Ronda Rousey has some involvement as she was heavily featured last year as one of the most exciting competitors to watch. I personally believe that the latest look on UFC is a positive one and will promote better self defence skills and confidence in women globally. 

Thursday 7 January 2016

A Note on Reaction Time

We're close to rounding up the first full week of January. I've decided to write about my favourite topic. Speed! More specifically I want to look into reaction time development.

Reaction time is the time taken to react to a stimulus. For a sprinter it's a gun shot, a boxer a variety of different punches and for a soccer goal keeper it's the ball.

My concern is with the manner in which reaction time is practiced. The participant who is suppose to react to a visual stimulus during a sporting scenario is being quite foolish if they are using audio cues. Where is the specificity? 

Visual cues can relate directly to the activity or indirectly. Goal keepers can practise saving goals or they can respond to measurable technology such as fit light. Never neglect practicing the actual activity in question but try to nail a variety of challenging reaction drills in the name of lightening reflexes